A long time ago people met in the evenings n the
streets, squares, churches or bars, sometimes they
spoke their problems next to the tobacco shop.
Everybody notified about good and bad news too:
for example if a young master man was better than
other people, or aunt Marie baked more delicious
bread than others, everybody informed about it
quickly, by word of mouth. Nowadays, in our faster
world people don’t have so much time to deal with
each other in the social places, streets and squares
became dangerous, so the online social platform
became the best way to advertise yourself. If
people see a post or an advertisement which can
be important to them or their friends, they often like
it or in an even better case, also share it. Well, it
changed the giving news which spread by word of
mouth. And we can help you in it, make it more
efficient to reach as more people as possible about
positive opportunites which are important for a lot of people. Sometimes more ten-thousand or onehundred thousand people can see a successfulpost ‘by modern word of mouth’.

Our successes

All of our advertisements was successful when the
customer kept our instructions and suggestions
based on our experience. Obviously , the success
is not same in every area, and as the success at us
comes from the invested, measurable work, so the
result is not equally outstanding. It is as if you have
some bags of cement, of this don’t want to build a
house, because probably it is enough at most for a
dog-kennel. But if somebody has some cars of
cement, of this you can build a more serious
building! I would share you some interesting

In 2017 when the labour shortage was not so high,
a woman applied for us from Germany to open an
employment agency. As we achieved significant
successes in Hungary in areas where accordint to
other people it’s impossible to find workforce, so I
confidently recommended her our opportunity. She
was afraid of starting it, but I knew that if she
invested enough cement in our project, the success
would come. We started the advertisement from an
independent page. In that time the online pictures
made in our style, planned for Facebook were not
spread, and GIF ads were not either. When she
saw the ready page, she surprised because it
exceeded all her expectations. They say always the
first matters and is the best. Well, it was both at the
same time. We actively started online advertising,
and in less than 1 week, phone calls were coming.
Were they coming? Yes, in great amounts!!! So she
had to hire new colleagues besides her who dealed
with phone calls, and giving information. The
success made her very enthusiastic, so she was
looking for partners in her other catering company,
so she had two successful advertisements from 2
independent pages. – There are no limits,
everybody can be our customer from Germany or
also from Austria who meets the legal
requirements, with tax identification number,
invoicing in euro, their accountings accept our

Our same customer has also another story which is
shorter. When she decided she was fed up with
Germany, she moved back to her country, and she
wanted to sell his own real estate, but their estate
agents would have helped them for a horroristic
price, so she chose us again. Well, as I said, the
story is short, the estate was sold only in 1 month!
– With „Active Online Advertisements” not just
looking for workforce is efficient but almost
everything! The success isn’t up to us, but it is up to
the service you offer, what and for how much. Well,
these can be the problems if you are not careful in
the statement of prices. But if something doesn’t
work at us, it does nowhere.

My story from 2018 is a good example that
companies strongly felt the labour market crisis, it
didn’t influence our customers. Last year, more
Hungarian temporary employment agencies asked
us for an offer, but we didn’t go on. Maybe because
they didn’t see the opportunity in it, or because they
thought that with our method (what we partly(!)
gave them, they can be successful too. But no!
Well, I admit they didn’t approximate our results.
Some people are like this, they would like to spare
the ‘cement’ at their house too. But there are some
exceptions like an ambitious woman who noticed
the opportunity, and she thought, even if the labour
shortage was high in Hungary, she can achieve
huge successes with our help. Well, I don’t have to
describe to people who read the recent stories that
I had no doubt to achieve success. We started our
cooperation with foreign advertisements, which
started with big success, so she thought she could
have chances also in Hungarian automobile
market. But it is really difficult to get into these
factories as an unknown person. You have to be in
a good time in a good place, and it is still not sure.
But it was sure that there are some jobs in skill
shortages like car mechanic whose shortage was
as big as it would have endangered their working.
Well, this was the certain area where there was an
exception, and my customer could prove. And she
did it, us too! The campaign was as successful as
after a few days of starting it, there were as many
candidates on phone that during the consultation,
the phone was still ringing without stop.
I should tell that also here we made an entirely new
type of advertisement which was as interesting as
the number of reached people was more than
100,000 people in a few days. In 2 weeks my
customer’s company had official contract with the
biggest car manufacturer of Hungary, and in a few
months, with every bigger factory in the country. In
6 months, she built a company with 100 billion HUF
(Hungarian forint) of income that he used only our
advertising opportunities. The only problem was
that she didn’t do it for herself… The third and last
story is a good story that our Active Online
Advertising is not an ad in fact but an investment, in
addition, a very good investment!
On this page and also on the Facebook pages
below, we did all of graphic designs, online pictures
and cut, edited video. Also the ad pages on our
webpage and Facebook pages. All of our
customers have video cover, GIF advertisements
and all of our customers’ page is strongly active!
There is a mutual thing in every customer. The
crisis caused by labour shortage didn’t influence